Functional Testing In Naturopathy - What are we testing?

Functional testing can offer us a comprehensive understanding of how our body systems, organs and cells are functioning. Functional testing uses modern research and cutting-edge technology to ensure we are addressing the root cause of your health concerns. It also allows us to personalise the treatment recommendations made to you. This guide will delve into the most frequently recommended functional tests by naturopaths and what insights into your health they can offer us. 

Blood tests

What it is: Blood tests ordered by a naturopath may range from full blood counts (FBC) to detailed nutrient analyses. Some of the common ones naturopaths request may be iron studies, B12, Vitamin D, Thyroid Panel, Insulin, Blood Lipids, Cortisol and more.

What it tells us: A simple blood test can provide us with lots of information as to what is going on from nutrient deficiencies to markers of inflammation, hormone imbalances, organ function, and more. Blood tests are a foundational diagnostic tool that we can use to understand your systemic health and guide the treatment plan recommended for your main concerns. 

Complete Microbiome Mapping (Gut testing)

What it is: This test involves taking a stool sample and screening it using quantitative PCR analysis. It screens for pathogenic bacteria, commensal bacteria, opportunistic pathogens, fungi, viruses, and parasites. 

What it tells us: Complete Microbiome Mapping can help to give us a clear view of what the underlying drivers of your gut concerns are so that your practitioner can formulate an effective treatment for your individual needs. As well as identifying pathogens or parasites this gut testing can also tell us the efficiency of digestion, the state of the gut lining and the immune function within the gut. As we know now our gut microbiomes have a significant impact on our overall health making this test is really helpful for anyone who has ongoing digestive concerns, IBS, leaky gut symptoms, auto-immunity, unexplained fatigue or skin complaints.

Vaginal Microbiome Mapping 

What it is: This test involves taking a swab of the vaginal and vulval area and sending it off to be analysed. It tests for pH, harmful bacteria like Gardinerella spp or Enterococcus, fungal pathogens like Candida albicans, and beneficial viruses/parasites. 

What it tells us: For people with vaginal infections, including bacterial vaginosis (BV), vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC), Aerobic Vaginitis (AV) as well as Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) this test can be incredibly helpful. Especially if these infections are recurring and chronic. Identifying the specific bacteria or microbes that may be disrupting the vaginal microbiome and causing symptoms is really important to determine what treatment is needed. A usual swab done at the GP is far less comprehensive and doesn’t tell us what specific microbes are at play. 

 HTMA (Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis)

What it is: Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) is a quantitative test that measures the mineral composition of hair. It is a safe and non-invasive test that reflects the level of nutrients and toxic elements in body tissue.

What it tells us: HTMA can provide information about mineral deficiencies and excesses, heavy metal toxicities, nervous system imbalances, adrenal and thyroid function, cardiovascular health and more. We can utilise HTMA in several conditions like unexplained fatigue, mood disorders, metabolic issues, and more. It can help with early detection of health issues

OATs (Organic Acids Test) 

What it is: A urine test that offers a snapshot of the body's cellular metabolic processes, assessing markers for vitamins, energy production, detoxification, neurotransmitter breakdown, and more.

What it tells us: OATs give insight into the body’s metabolic functioning.

The organic acid test provides insights into the body’s cellular metabolic processes. Organic acids are metabolic intermediates that are produced in pathways of central energy production, detoxification, neurotransmitter breakdown, or intestinal microbial activity. Significant accumulation of specific organic acids detected in urine often signals a metabolic inhibition or block. The metabolic block may be due to a nutrient deficiency, an inherited enzyme deficit, toxic build-up or drug effect. It can help us identify causes of issues like chronic fatigue, allergies, mould illness, autoimmune conditions, mood disorders, dermatitis, chemical sensitivities, hyperactivity and underlying nutritional deficiencies or imbalances.

Hormone Testing

What it is: Hormone testing can be done via blood, saliva, or urine to assess levels of various hormones in the body.

What it tells us: Hormonal imbalances can lead to a myriad of issues, such as thyroid disorders, adrenal fatigue, menstrual irregularities, fertility problems, mood disorders, and more. By testing your hormone levels on the correct days of your cycle, we can tailo the treatment plan to you and also uncover where your systemic symptoms may be coming from.

Functional testing in naturopathy is a powerful tool that goes beyond just diagnosing a disease. It seeks to understand the body's functioning, paving the way for more holistic, individualised, and proactive health interventions. If you’re considering naturopathy or are curious about your health at a deeper level, these tests could be your starting point. Consult one of our Sydney naturopaths here at Papaya to find out what tests are right for you. 

Winnie Wu - BPhysio, Grad Cert (Continence and Pelvic Health) APA

Winnie is the founder of Papaya and is our principal physiotherapist and team leader. Her special interests are in treating dance and women’s health issues. Her role in the clinic is to lead with mission, vision, and purpose; thus, she is evenly divided between treating, mentoring, and business development. She is currently completing her Masters in Pelvic Health and Incontinence at the University of Melbourne.


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